Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Now that Tisha B'Av is over and I have been able to ride the Dahon for a few days I can finaly report.
The Dahon Boardwalk folding cycle is quite amazing in its size and comfort. Folding down to extra large duffle size it is easily loaded into bus baggage compartment about the size of a folded stroller. While it is 30 lbs it needs this heavy steel to hold 230 lb people, lighter Dahon models are available but they are almost double the price. The bike rides well and the 7 speed gearing is good for even medium steep grades. Stability is nearly that of my 26" mountain Bike. Once you figure where to place tha crank folding and bagging into the Dahon carry bag takes 30 sec. I switched to a Avenir spring seat before riding as I have a bad back and can't take road bumps from solid saddles. Seating is upright due to short tube more like a cruiser sacrificing a little power. The included Pannier rack was heavy steel but quite indestructable, I choose to leave it off unless I need it to reduce weight. This bike can be folded taken inside bagged up to keep the carpet clean and you will have your ride under your own guard rather than trusting a lock to protect it.
I am impressed and look forward to traveling all over Israel and Europe with this little wonder bike.
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Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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