Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
more on the Open Zaurus 3.2 upgrades and tweaks, cut/paste the following into your console to get proftp, nmap, and tcpdump from feed. This tcpdump and nmap may lpanic your kernel occasionaly but you need the smooth running proftpd, these are from the OZ 3.3.5 feed.

ipkg install http://tigger.smu.edu.sg/software/zaurus/openzaurus/3.3.5/SL5500+SL5000/ipks/tcpdump_3.7.2-1_armv4l-strongarm.ipk
ipkg install http://tigger.smu.edu.sg/software/zaurus/openzaurus/3.3.5/SL5500+SL5000/ipks/proftpd_1.2.8-3_armv4l-strongarm.ipk
ipkg install http://tigger.smu.edu.sg/software/zaurus/openzaurus/3.3.5/SL5500+SL5000/ipks/nmap_3.27-1_armv4l-strongarm.ipk

I have also hunted down IPK's for network activity blinkenlights, GCC compiler, online dictionary, and Jeode JVM.
Lynx works well as an alternative browser I compiled and dumped it into /usr/sbin so it would be easy to execute. While waiting at the Dr's office I found wifi, so I grabbed all of the python stuff on the feed along with the latest BitTorrent and can now run bittorrent client on my Z!
With the Ipod video becoming popular on torrent sites I need to see if Opie-Mediaplayer2 will run these files.
Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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