Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Bikes on bus
My wife and I took a trip out to a yeshuv the Shomron where we plan to rent a apartment. For the first time we tried traveling the inter-city bus with bicycles. The attempt is best made during a less busy time, even though ew removed the front wheels and stacked the bikes and wheels it was difficult to load on our way home, there are always chailem (soldiers) going home or back to base with their oversized backpaces containing all of their worldly posessions which had to be moved over to make room. For reference a bicycle with rear wheel attached takes up 1/4 of the front floor space on one of these inter city busses. In town busses have no facility for taking a bike unless you have one of the super folder bikes with small wheels.
A side note my wife bought a new bicycle (they are competetivly priced in Israel some deals better than the US) With proper derailers gears and other components and a nice aluminum frame it is a good package at around $300 after helments for her and baby as well as an installed baby seat and lock. Having a decent bike with good shifting is making her into an overnight cycling convert.
Epoxy to the rescue!!
Israel is the land of stone floors, stone floors break almost everything you drop onto them. So went my beloved pocketop infared keyboard that I use with my Sharp Zaurus 5500, it broke what would be called the spine if on a book. This is aluminum powder mold, not too strong, I am hoping the second try at epoxy repair will save it because I love having a full qwerty qeyboard in my pocket for longer typing.
Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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