Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
I have been an Israeli for a week now, and I am so tired and happy!!
Lessons learned:
1-Try to have an organization help you with paperwork why should you have to take care of red tape?
2-dont forget that 220 will fry your 110volt stuff AND DONT FORGET TO TURN THE 110/220 SWITCH!!!, your burning electronics may not be replaceable!!
3-you can fit amazing stuff in a bicycle box
4-If your cell phone can do internet/GPRS use it, as crowded internet cafes are no match for your own laptop but beware high data costs. also know the settings you will need before you land.
5-you cannot share your neighbors wi-fi when a VPN is required to log in unless you put a router in to split the connection..
6-movies, tv shows, and music are the best possible use of burned cd's and your hard disk.
7-have a list of friends in country, this will lessen the freak out factor.
8-Israel gives you almost everything to feel at home in Rananna absorption center, I doubt any other nation makes the move so easy.
9-try to learn as much of the language before traveling to a country, fortunately english works most places in Israel as a crutch.
10-always buy multi voltage electronics, then you can use them on both continents, non standard power supplys are one way to fry your valuable electronics.
11-bring a adjustable loudness battery powered alarm clock, this should be a dedicated device with a long battery life, you dont want your cell phone or PDA laying around to be lost when you try to snooze it.
11-bring pens, notebooks big and small, and batteries (rechargeable is good)
12-Bring at least one bike if it is of good quality

I am so happy to be here and while there have been setbacks (burning electronics, oversleeping, etc) this is my home now. Israelis are unified in their welcome for another Jew coming home. The facilities while not a five star hotel are nice and liveable (varies by location) we were fortunate to get two bedrooms, air conditioning, and phone/DSL ready.
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Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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