This is going to be a more philosophical post.
Question: Why is the traditional musical instrument of the ashkenazic Jew the fiddle, not the piano?
Answer: The fiddle is portable and we have never lived in a place for more than 3 generations without being driven out or slaughtered.
I write this as I read an article about the arson in the Aish shule in the UK an allegedly safe place for Jews.
Every time you pack for a trip think about what you are packing and why. Consider what you would pack for a 6 month trip, this is what you would likely need if you were never coming back. It is always a good idea to have important pictures copied and documents handy (ketuba, letters from rabbi proving Jewish, birth certificate, stock and bank account info). Try to keep important things packed in a lightweight waterproof container, place this in a fire safe. When you are outside the USA on vacation open a foreign bank account (beware fees and interest rates, do research before trip)
The United States is the only nation in 3000 years with a sizeable Jewish population not to drive us out, this is not necessarily a permanent condition. Always be watching the signs don't become too attached to your things and properties.
I must close with a story from the time of the shoah (holocaust)
In the 1930's the father of a family in Germany was aware of the danger approaching from the Nazis (may their names be erased). He obtained a forged exit visa for emigration to what was then known as British Mandate Palestine (Israel) and safety. He told his wife that it was time to leave. Tragically she was so attached to her piano which could not be transported that she insisted on to staying until they were able to get the funds to ship her piano. The story ends unhappily, our family never was able to ship the piano. The window of exit closed and they were trapped inside Germany. The "New Jerusalem" of Berlin became the headquarters of the killing machine and the family was martyred like 6 million others..... because of the fear of loss of a piano.