The Calm Before the Storm
Three things have really bothered me this week while parsing the news. I must preface I believe in fighting terrorism but not by loosing my liberties in the process.
1: Warnings of delayed elections from terrorism, the US has NEVER delayed an election.
2: In Florida cable guys, exterminators and apartment managers will now spy on us to "fight terrorism",2933,125598,00.html
3: The continuing talk of military drafts and tech draft, the US signed an agreement with Canada to repatriate draft dodgers.
Number 3 looks to be a partial hoax but definitely something to think about.
I must say I am not in principle against the military or the draft. I am more fearful of what action soldiers are being drafted for. Iraq was an evil nation and had to be stopped, OTOH the actions of the US toward Israel put some fear into me. When we are forced to take unilateral action and surrender pieces of our land to further US interests. I feel that a US force in Israel may be in our future, removing Israel's right to defend itself and rather relying on the whims of the US peacekeepers.