Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Sunday, June 27, 2004
Camping Kashrut and Halacha

After speaking to a kolell rabbi from Seattle I have decided to look for a posek to ask about LED flashlight use during shabbat. The Idea that they are not mucksa is based on LED's not being hot only meet one of the 2 required charachistics of fire in halacha unlike an incandescent filament inside a lightbulb (hot like fire even if not on fire IE: hot sparks of iron when struck by flint, and producing light)

During the Kesser Israel campout we set up a 1.5 mile eruv arount the camp making carrying on shabbat possible. I carry a smaller portable eruv backpacking it consists of 10 bamboo sticks 4 ft long strapped to my pack and a spool of nylon twine for the string on top. Epoxy squirted into the tops of the bamboo secures the nails. The twine wraps around the nails making it appear to sit on top of the sticks which must be at least 10 tevachiem tall.

When biking to schule I use the "T'fidanit" Tefillin Carrier http://tefillin.co.il/ made by tefillin Bet-El to carry my tefillin and tallit. It is super tough and is desined for soldiers in the field, the downside is its weight. While I have carried it backpacking in the future I am planning to find a lighter tupperware type container.

For kosher backpacking foods I like to carry Osem foil pouched entres, you just need to boil them in a pot and the are almost all parve. While working with the K-ofK I was an inspector at the oregon freeze dry plant. Many of the freeze dry vegetables and fruits are prepared in the kosher chambers but not always. I hope to get some kosher lot numbers at some point and post them here.

For warming food on shabbat I think a bed of coals covered by a short steel cake pan for a blech this needs to be tested.

For car/bike camping the pyromid cooker is a treat to use. It makes excelent heat and folds to less than 1"x12"x12", is made of sheet stainless steel, fits in a tote bag. Burning American style briquettes for best performance many other fuels can be used. I like to use Diamond strike-a-fire lighting bars (1"x.33"x6" compressed wood fiber and parafin with a striker head in 8 packs)
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Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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