Davids Jewish Traveler and Hacker
Friday, January 13, 2006
Supporting your Zaurus on the old stable v3.2 openzaurus
Flash to OZ 3.2
First install IRK-zaurus if you have a pocketop keyboard as it installs without problems if loaded first.
Set the feeds for 3.2 and 3.3.5 in apkg, they are at http://tigger.smu.edu.sg/software/zaurus/openzaurus/
install these feeds, turn off the feed you are not using so it doesnt accidently grab from newer feed, many of these won't work only install console packages from 3.3.5 gui stuff wont work.
Load any backup you have or load saved addressook.xml and businesscard.vcf to

I need IRDA ppp to get GPRS internet on the road so I made these scripts

Create /etc/ppp/chatscript.isp and paste this in it works for most phones that have a gprs browser (nokia and motorola tested)
"" ATe1
"ATDT *99#"

renamed /etc/ppp/options to /etc/ppp/options.old and created a new /etc/ppp/options file with this in it ..

asyncmap 0
mtu 1524
mru 1524

I made the script /root/dialup

#! /bin/sh
/usr/sbin/pppd debug connect "/usr/sbin/chat -V -f /etc/ppp/chatscript.isp" /dev/ircomm 115200 -detach

make a symlink from /etc/resolv.conf to /etc/ppp/resolv.conf

this is modified from a dialup script on http://www.ottaky.com/openzaurus.php

Thursday, January 05, 2006
3.2 stable but no KPPP to dial to the net via cellphone
3.3.5 a little unstable MP3 playback broken (as far as I can diagnose)
3.5.3 reallly unstable installer and command line IPKG is broken, incompatable with Pocketop folding keyboard

What is up, I love 3.2 and would have never changed, I just want a network plugin to do ppp through a phone, 3.3.5 would have been fine too but I need the MP3 playback even more.

Why is it that the developers love to hack on the inane when the installer has never been right since after 3.2. I look forward to a stable release

On the whole I think flashing down to v3.2 might be a good idea until there is a decent stable release, this will be a real renisance in the Zaurus world, I hope to see quite a few Z's come out of desks if it gets good reviews on Slashdot.

Unfortunately Craig the developer for the IRK package for the Pocketop has let his site lapse and there is no reliable source for the IPK's.
Traveling and settling as an immigrant kollel family on a shoestring in Israel. Plenty of Sharp Zaurus hacking too. Contact me dj(a)personaltelco.net

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